High-Rise Signs
High-rise signs are freestanding signs that are typically located on the side of the freeway. Commercial high-rise signs are usually over 35’ tall with a single pole. The cabinets can be customized shapes, illuminated or non-illuminated, and the faces can be rigid or flexible. They are great for grabbing customer attention from a distance.
Pylons are freestanding signs with a vertical support structure which can be either exposed or covered. They are generally over 10’ high and are great for multi-tenant shopping plazas. Individual tenant panels can be customized or made standard per your vision. Pylons can be illuminated or non-illuminated and cabinets can be custom made to fit any need. LED message centers (LINK) can be built into pylons for further customization of your sign.
A monument sign is a freestanding ground sign with a low overall height supported by a vertical support structure. Monument signs are customizable both in the signage and the structure. These are typical for single or multi-tenant signs. Materials used in manufacturing custom monument signs are typically one of the following: aluminum, acrylic, stainless steel, stone, brick or faux material/sign foam and can include changeable copy or an LED message center. Monument signs are an excellent option for cities with tight signage restrictions.